Ryan Ward – Hook-Eze Pty Ltd

Ryan Ward

Ryan Ward is the owner & fishing guide for O-Town Fishing Adventures, a Kayak & Ice Fishing Guide Service in Ottawa, Ontario.

An extremely keen angler, Ryan loves catching everything from small Perch to monster toothy Gar. He is an active member of the local fishing community, is the Event Coordinator for Kayak Anglers Association of Outaouais/Ottawa (KAAO), he is the Co-founder of Catch A Fish & Fishing For The Cure, a charity for the local children’s hospital. Ryan runs his own Facebook pages & groups such as O-Town Fishing Adventures, 613 Fishing, 613 Ice Fishing & has his own YouTube Chanel. To follow Ryan, check out the links below.

When Ryan is not fishing himself, he is guiding people to their dream catch.



