Never Recieved Your Product?
Hook-Eze takes pride in providing quick dispatch and delivery on all our products.
Unfortunately, we were copied about 18 months ago and there are quite a few people selling counterfeit products coming from China. They are using our copyrighted images and videos to do so, which is very damaging to our good brand name. We have been in business for over 19 years and this has been quite devastating as so many people are waiting long periods of time to receive cheap garbage.
PAYPAL- Items Not Received
If you sent a payment but haven’t received what you paid for, or believe the seller to be fraudulent, you should visit Paypals Resolution Center. We’ve developed several programs to help protect you, and opening a dispute is the first step to help get your problem resolved.
To open a dispute:
- Go to Resolution Center.
- Click Report a Problem.
- Select the transaction you want to dispute.
- Click Continue.
- Select either I didn't receive an item I purchased or the item I received was significantly not as described or I want to report unauthorized activity, depending on the nature of your dispute.
- Click Continue.
- Follow the instructions to file your dispute
Criminals are constantly looking for new ways to trick you out of your hard-earned money, and once the transaction has ended it can be difficult to catch the perpetrator.
How to Report Bank Fraud
- Gather all the information you can about the transaction.
- Monitor your bank account. Even after you've reported the fraud,
- Gather all of your information about the fraud.
- Submit your report to your Bank.
- Request a copy of the police report for your records.